ebay refund

Ebay return and refund

Return an item for a refund

Ebay return and refund

Start a returnWhat happens after you've started a returnCheck an open return requestSend the item backGet your refundGet help from eBayCancel a return requestMisuse of returns or the eBay Money Back Guarantee

If your item arrives damaged, doesn't match the listing description, or is the wrong item, you can return it for a refund. If you've changed your mind and want to return it, you can ask the seller if they'll accept a return.

Ebay return and refund

Start a return

To start a return, select the item you want to send back from your recent purchases above.
If you no longer want an item, most sellers offer returns. Check the listing in your Purchase history.  - opens in new window o  to see the seller's full return policy, including how long you have to request a return.

Ebay return and refund

  • If the seller states in their return policy that they don't accept returns, yo can ask them to see if they'll make an exception.
  • If the item you received doesn't match the description in the original listing, or if it arrived faulty or damaged, you're covered under the ebay mony beck gerannty. You can return it even if the seller's returns policy says they don't accept returns

Ebay return and refund

After you've started a return

The seller has 3 business days to get back to you. You can monitor the progress of your request by selecting Check your return status below, or in your Purchase history.


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